Thursday, September 16, 2010

Spike Can Dance - Justin Bieber

Is Awesome had a child, it's name would be SPIKE!

(And a new fitness craze!)

Dance your way to health AND meet your teen heart throb model! Design your own fitness dance routines the DIY way, your health and healthy lifestyle will thank you for it. And if you are lucky and your youtube video is noticed, then maybe Justin Bieber will want to meet, and dance with you! Good luck!

Spike Can Dance - Justin Bieber I really need Justin Bieber to watch this. I know if he sees it he will help me get discovered so I can make a difference. If you do this entire dance YOU WILL IMPROVE YOUR FITNESS! Thanks to all my fans out there and sorry that Sheryll wouldn't cooperate with me. She has a mind of her own.

-Love, Spike


  1. Just got hyper combo finished.. thats... some damn potent trollin...

  2. that moonwalking was authentic. ;)
    supportin you bro.

  3. cool!supportin bro :)

    check also this to find new interesting blogs to luv daily

  4. yeah thats really funny videoclip

  5. "Just got hyper combo finished.. thats... some damn potent trollin..."

    fuckin A! buy seriously, that's just too creepy!
